Stop Central Ohio Foreclosure July 20, 2024

Understanding Foreclosure: Steps and Solutions – Blog Post 1

What is Foreclosure?

Foreclosure is a legal process where a lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan from a borrower who has stopped making payments. This typically involves the lender selling the property in question, which serves as collateral for the loan. Understanding foreclosure and its steps can help you navigate the process and explore options to prevent it.

Legal Steps Involved in Foreclosure

  1. Missed Payments
    • The foreclosure process begins when a borrower misses a mortgage payment.
    • Lenders typically offer a grace period before considering the payment late.
  2. Notice of Default
    • After a certain number of missed payments (usually three to six months), the lender issues a Notice of Default (NOD).
    • This legal document states that the borrower is in default and provides a timeframe to cure the default.
  3. Pre-Foreclosure
    • The period between the NOD and the actual foreclosure sale.
    • The borrower has an opportunity to rectify the default by catching up on payments or negotiating with the lender.
  4. Notice of Sale
    • If the borrower does not cure the default, the lender will issue a Notice of Sale.
    • This notice states the date, time, and location of the foreclosure auction.
  5. Foreclosure Auction
    • The property is sold at a public auction to the highest bidder.
    • If the property does not sell, it may become real estate owned (REO) by the lender.
  6. Post-Foreclosure
    • The borrower must vacate the property.
    • The new owner (either the auction winner or the lender) takes possession.

Checklist: How to Identify Foreclosure Steps and Prevent It

  1. Monitor Mortgage Payments
    • Track your mortgage payments and ensure they are made on time.
    • Contact your lender immediately if you anticipate any issues with payments.
  2. Respond to Notices
    • Do not ignore any notices from your lender.
    • Understand the contents and timelines mentioned in the Notice of Default.
  3. Communicate with Your Lender
    • Discuss your financial situation with your lender.
    • Explore options like forbearance, loan modification, or repayment plans.
  4. Seek Legal Advice
    • Consult a foreclosure attorney to understand your rights and options.
    • Review Ohio foreclosure laws and timelines with a professional.
  5. Explore Government Programs
    • Research federal foreclosure prevention programs like HAMP or HARP.
    • Determine your eligibility and apply for assistance.
  6. Hire a Licensed Realtor
    • Work with a licensed realtor experienced in foreclosure prevention.
    • Roger Loesel with Coldwell Banker Realty can guide you through your options.
  7. Consider Selling Your Home
    • If keeping the home is not feasible, explore selling it before foreclosure.
    • Roger Loesel can help you list and sell your property quickly.
  8. Connect with Housing Counselors
    • HUD-approved housing counselors can provide free advice and support.
    • Roger Loesel can connect you with reputable counselors.

How Roger Loesel Can Help

Licensed Realtor Roger Loesel, with Coldwell Banker Realty, has extensive experience in helping homeowners prevent foreclosure. Here’s how he can assist you:

  • Legal Guidance: Roger can help you understand foreclosure laws and your rights.
  • Negotiation: He can negotiate with lenders on your behalf to explore options like loan modification or forbearance.
  • Selling Your Home: If selling is the best option, Roger can list your property and find buyers quickly.
  • Finding Housing: Post-foreclosure, Roger can help you find suitable housing to start fresh.
  • Network of Advisors: Roger’s network includes trusted advisors and investor buyers who can provide solutions tailored to your situation.

By taking proactive steps and seeking professional guidance, you can navigate the foreclosure process more effectively and explore solutions to protect your home. Contact Roger Loesel today to discuss your options and find the best path forward.



  • Understanding foreclosure
  • Foreclosure process steps
  • Ohio foreclosure laws
  • Preventing foreclosure
  • Foreclosure legal steps
  • Realtor foreclosure help
  • Stop foreclosure Ohio
  • Foreclosure prevention tips
  • Finding housing after foreclosure
  • Roger Loesel Coldwell Banker

By taking proactive steps to understanding foreclosure, you can navigate the foreclosure process more effectively and explore solutions to protect your home. Contact Roger Loesel today to discuss your options and find the best path forward. Click Here